
The gallery of photos of patients before and after a facial makeover, provided by the skilled specialists of S and Z Beautiful Teeth Clinic

Photos of our patients before and after the facial makeover

Diastema between the two central incisors
Facial rejuvenation
Oversized crowns on the upper central incisors, irritated/inflamed at the crown margins, disadvantageous gingival margin
Removal of crowns gingivoplasty, zirconium crowns, smile makeover
Discolored, worn teeth. Diasthema between the upper central incisors. The lower incisors are crowded and the lower left central incisors is chipped
Bite correction with zirconium crowns, closing the upper diasthema, correction of the unpleasant shade, size and shape of teeth – resulting in smile makeover
Lost teeth, carious lesions, worn and crowded teeth. Partial loss of the vertical dimension of the face, aesthetically compromised face and smile
Bite elevation, smile and face makeover achieved by implant-aesthetic dental restorations
Incorrect crown on the upper central incisor, misalignment of lower anteriors, black triangles at the commissures, V-shaped arch
Smile makeover with aesthetic dental restorations. All aesthetically compromised structures are restored
Demineralised, chalky spots on the enamel caused by developmental defects of tooth hard tissues
Pressed ceramic veneers were used to treat the aesthetic problem
Diasthema and ectopic teeth with deep bite. The papilla between the upper central incisiors is wide, reaching the mid-coronal level of the teeth. Inflamed gum between the central and lateral incisiors
Following gingivoplasty, zirconium crowns were cemented to restore the aesthetics and the bite
Anterior cross-bite, discolouration of the upper central incisiors, rotation of the upper rigth canine
The patient requested a low-cost solution so only the six upper front teeth were restored by zirconium crowns. Even this limited restoration resulted in the correction of the cross-bite, the discoloration, shape, and size of the teeth. Both the aesthetic impression and the function have improved.
Lost teeth, large number of carious lesions, vertical and horizontal bone loss, deep bite and disharmony of the face
The whole spectrum of technology used in implant-aesthetic dentistry (3D planning, bone grafting, attached gum transplantation, implants, zirconium crowns, bite correction, smile-makeover, facelift)
Worn down teeth, non-carious tooth tissue loss due to attrition, discoloured teeth, irregular gum line
Smile makeover achieved by gingivoplasty, bite correction, altering the shade and shape of teeth