The Bad and Good Dental Behaviors

Avoiding bad dental habits can help you have brighter smiles and curb unnecessary pain in the mouth. The best dentist in Hungary will remind their patients to take great care of their oral hygiene. It is possible to prevent most of the issues we get with our teeth. Here are the things you should avoid doing, and what you should do instead, that is good for your teeth.


Toothbrush Selection

It is bad using a toothbrush with hard bristles. Hard bristles will not only hurt you during the brushing process but will also injure your gums. You are also at risk of eroding enamel at the gum line.

The better alternative is using a brush with soft bristles. This allows painless cleaning of all surfaces of the teeth. You can also penetrate between teeth and clean under gums without hurting yourself with soft bristles.


Failure to floss daily is bad for your teeth. Doing it wrong on a regular basis is also not worth the effort. Poor or lack of flossing leads to the development of bacteria that can cause gum disease or cavities.

You need to take your time every day to floss. Spend some time to learn tips on how to do it well, and implement these ideas as recommended.


When playing sports without mouth guards, you are putting your teeth at risk. There are high chances that you will suffer from loss, bruises, lacerations or chipping of your teeth in the process.

The best way to save your smile is by wearing a mouth guard when playing. Wear mouth guards even during sports that are non-contact like snowboarding and skating since they equally present mouth injury risks.

Sharing Utensils

It looks cute to share utensils or to taste each other’s food. However, this can be the means of moving bacteria from one mouth to another – affecting children the most. Even bacteria that can result in cavities can be transferred through such activity.

Protect your mouth and the children’s by ensuring everyone has their own toothbrushes and utensils. Do not clean a child’s pacifier with your mouth. Also, discourage babies from putting their hands in people’s mouths, because they usually return them in their own increasing the chances of transferring bacteria to their mouths.

Grinding Teeth

Bruxism, well known as grinding of teeth, can wear your teeth or fracture them over time. Not to mention, if you do grinding in the night, it can disrupt others from sleep.

If you know that you grind your teeth during sleep, talk to your dentist to offer the appropriate curbing measures. Your dentist will suggest appropriate treatment – which might include mouth guards to prevent damaging of your teeth. If you are unsure of your habits during sleep look for these signs — headaches, sore jaw, earaches, neck aches, and facial pains you cannot explain.

Leveraging the good habits highlighted above will help your smile to be brighter and make your mouth free of pain. Your next visit to the best dentist in Hungary will be a mere checkup and not replace or extract any tooth from your mouth.